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剑桥大学附属医院线上医学讲座(Cambridge University Hospital Online Lecture)
2022-04-14 18:59     (点击: )



Antimicrobial Chemotherapy – History and Resistance




在线,zoom meeting



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*This lecture is free of charge.


About the Lecturer

Dr. Nick Brown1996年以来一直是剑桥大学阿登布鲁克医院的顾问医学微生物学家和剑桥大学的客座讲师。他受雇于英格兰公共卫生署 (PHE),是PHE剑桥实验室的临床服务主任和PHE国家感染服务区域微生物实验室的临时临床主管。

Dr. Brown长期关注抗生素的使用和抗生素耐药性。他于2012-2015年担任英国抗菌化疗学会 (BSAC) 主席,目前是BSAC公众和专业参与总监。

Nick Brown has been a Consultant Medical Microbiologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge and Associate Lecturer at the University of Cambridge since 1996. He is employed by Public Health England (PHE) and is the Clinical Services Director of the PHE Cambridge laboratory and interim Clinical Lead for PHE National infection Service regional microbiology laboratories in England.

Nick has a career long interest in the use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. He was President of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) from 2012-15 and is currently the BSAC Director of Public and Professional Engagement.


About the Topic

医学方面对于感染的皇冠体育不同于其他方面。首先,抗生素是针对病菌,而不是患者;其次,感染可以传播,也就是说一名患者的感染会影响到另一名患者。正是这些特殊性使该领域对医生来说具有独特吸引力。抗生素的发现和应用彻底革新了现代医疗保健,除了治疗传统传染病外,抗生素的应用还使癌症化疗、关节置换手术、移植手术等治疗方法成为可能。没有抗生素,这些都不可能实现。这也是我们为什么要特别关注抗菌素耐药性的蔓延和威胁。本次讲座Dr. Nick Brown 将回顾抗菌化学疗法的历史和分享如何应对耐药性问题。

The management of infections is different to the practice of any other part of medicine in a number of ways. Firstly, antibiotics act on a third party, the bug, and not the patient. Then, infections spread. That is, an infection in one patient can affect another. It is this that makes the specialty so appealing to physicians. The discovery and introduction of antibiotics revolutionised modern healthcare. As well as treating traditional infectious diseases, they have enabled interventions such as cancer chemotherapy, joint replacement surgery and transplantation. Without antibiotics, none of these would be possible. This is why the current threat of the spread of antimicrobial resistance is so important. In this Seminar, Dr Nick Brown will review the history and coping with resistance in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.

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